I was reading the comic Dilbert the other day, and in this particular strip, Dilbert is sitting at his desk in all three panels. He’s sitting there getting more frazzled in each panel.
– “I’d better make a list of all the things I need to do today.” He thinks in the first panel.
-(8 hours later) “I have 347 urgent tasks, and I add about seven new ones each day.”
– Finally, he solves his dilemma: “I’ll cross make to-do list off my to-do lists and call it a day.”
It’s funny because it’s true.
The “stuff” never goes away.
You can’t make more time. There is what there is. Twenty-four hours and you have to sleep. And if you’re doing it right, there’s always more to do. More fun to have. More things to learn.
But, there are better ways to get it done. You can get it done too. You can do more of what you want to be doing. And maybe even sleeping a little more too.
I created the course “Maximize Your Time and Efficiency” for just that purpose. Then I added “Get it All Done Without Losing Your Mind” while we were on COVID lockdown. MYTE teaches study ways to get more out of your studying and more out what you’ve studied. “Get It All Done” teaches how to do all of that while you’re bumping into family and friends all day long at home.
You can get them both here:
Brian Wallace