A young man wrote in with a story that I’m sure you’re familiar with.
Give it a read:
Hi Brian
I am a didactic year PA student who is almost 2/3 way done with first semester. I am emailing you to ask for some advices and tips because I am struggling a bit this semester. I have been a huge procrastinator since high school and it’s been working for me until undergrad. I would barely pay attention in class and start studying for everything a night before or two nights before all night and get decent grades.
Transition from undergrad to PA school was hard just because all my classmates would study ahead and every day during breaks every single moment and I am physically not able to concentrate during daytime. I’ve been thinking about changing my habit but so far I am still doing what I’ve been doing..I know it’s bad to cram all a night before especially amount of information were getting and now I feel burnt out from cramming 6 exams a week every week even lab practical exams.
My cramming worked but for 2-3 exams I did really bad because it wasn’t amount of information I can just cram in one night. I know I need to change but it’s just hard because I’ve been doing it for so long and I don’t know how and what exactly I need to do to change all my habit.
My roommate has been doing good so it just makes me think that I am not smart enough to be here and midterm warning letter just got me now I have no motivation to study.. since I get almost none to 2 hrs of sleep everyday I am also worried about my health.. I am not sure what to do at this point since end of semester’s going to approach so quickly.. if you could give me any tips or advices that might help me I would greatly appreciate it.Thank you and have a great day!
Just like last week, I’ve got good news and bad news.I do have advice and plenty of it.Lots of things that will help you on your journey.That’s the good news.
The bad news is that I need a commitment from you.
Check it out here:
Maximize Your Time and Efficiency
Brian Wallace