To get better, we need feedback. Without feedback, we flounder at the same level or get worse.
You need feedback to improve. Tests are a great way to provide feedback and let you know if you’re learning or not. If you’re making progress or not. The problem with tests is they aren’t frequent enough. Humans require constant feedback for improvement and not just constant feedback but clear constant feedback. (I know tests are perfect feedback, but they’re something)
People improve faster with rapid feedback. Take a young kid who wants to be a pitcher. A great way for him to get better is to have him throw balls through a tire swing. He learns very quickly how to get the ball through that circle, and avoid the thud of the ball hitting the tire. Give the same kid vague target like a brick wall, and he won’t learn a thing.
Have that kid throw 50 balls through a tire swing, and he’ll get better. Have that same kid throw 20 balls a day for two weeks, and he’ll be amazing.
That’s the idea behind quizzes. They provide quicker feedback along the path to your exam. It’s tough to make adjustments without feedback.
Now, picture of the same kid throwing a ball at a tire swing but doing it in the dark. He’s doing the same motions. He’s throwing the ball, but is he gonna get better? He’s wasting his time without the feedback.
That’s where The Final Step comes in. You can use the final step to quiz yourself and get that instant feedback your brain craves. It’s designed for high-speed feedback that will have you cooking along in no time. You need to practice to get the feedback, but TFS will provide the feedback if you put in the time.
Check it out here