Normally I’m totally up on the new Apple stuff that comes out. The new phones, the new iOS features. All of it.
This year I’m just not that into it, but last week iOS 12 came out and with it one hell of a scary upgrade.
If you haven’t seen it yet, download it and check the most terrifying “app” ever created. It’s called Screentime.
When you go into Screentime, it will tell you how long you’ve been on your phone today and for the past seven days. It will tell you what apps take up the most time. (Clash Royale might just be preventing me from getting more podcast episodes out) It will tell you what apps send you the most notifications (I have almost every notification turned off, so this isn’t so bad).
The scariest feature… it tells you how many times you pick up your phone and look at it!!!!
Holy crap is that scary! And insanely useful. Real-time numbers you can use to create new habits and benchmarks.
Screentime will also allow you to lock yourself out of certain apps at certain times of the day. I used to use an app called for this. It’s really good, but this one is baked right in.
(If you’re on android, mac and pc will work great for you)
This feature can really make a difference. When you wonder why you can’t concentrate. Or why you can’t get your work done. This little baby might give you the answer you don’t want to hear.
I’ve already finished the October newsletter which is all about mastering the study session. Staying focused, on point and getting the most out of your time in the cubicle. It’s too late to add Screentime into this issue, but some hacks even more valuable coming to your mailbox in the October issue of the Physician Assistant Exam Scholars Newsletter. Like how to turn transient knowledge into durable knowledge and convincing your wandering brain to get some work done.
It goes to the printer soon. Click below to make sure you get your work done faster and remember more of what you’ve covered.
Join before lunchtime today.
Physician Assistant Exam Scholars