Ever feel like it’s lonely out there? There are a lot of people who feel very lonely as they approach their exam. It’s an individual effort kind of thing and very few people around you really understand it.
I was reading this news story yesterday about the loneliest duck in in the world. This duck must have been blown off course and wound up in the tiny Pacific island nation of Niue. Niue has a population of only 1,600 people and no ducks, besides Trevor. That’s his name Trevor.
This duck was truly the loneliest duck in the world. I say “was” because he passed away.
Taking this exam can be isolating. It can be lonely. That’s where Physician Assistant Exam Scholars can help. You not only get the monthly newsletter, but you get email access to me. I can’t possibly answer every question or reply to every email that rolls across my desk. I love getting them, but at some point I can’t create anything if I’m replying to emails.(I read every one). As a member of PAES, one of the perks you get is email access to me.
We can’t be pen pals, but if you have a question or a problem you get bumped to the top of the pile. Easy as pie.
Oh and I just added in PAES Monthly Coaching calls. If you’ve got questions, this is the best way to get some answers.
Physician Assistant Exam Scholars
Brian Wallace
P.S. With all of the things I’m going to be adding into the scholars’ program, I’m going to be raising the price in April, for the 4 year anniversary of the PAES. However, once you sign up your price is locked in for as long as I continue the program. Just thought you might like to know.