There are a few essential things your brain needs to function:
– Food (glucose)
– Oxygen
– Water
– Sleep
You probably get enough food and oxygen.
But I would bet good money that you’re not getting one of the other two in sufficient quantities.
The funny part is they are so easy to get yet so often overlooked. We are fortunate to live in a place and time where water is ubiquitous. Most of us are just too dumb to drink it.
We also live in a place and a time where we have nice comfy beds. Inside. Sheltered. Temperature-controlled. Amazing. But we don’t sleep.
Go get a glass of water. Go take a nap. Go to bed at a decent hour.
Ever see the movie Fight Club?
This line comes to mind:
“I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn’t screw to save its species”
Why don’t we do the easy things? The two easiest things we can do to improve in school, on exams, and with patients is to drink a glass of water and get some sleep.
The next easiest thing is to get a copy of The Final Step (and use it).
Brian Wallace