I’m always on the lookout for simple substations that’ll make you a star without having to work any harder or longer (and usually work less hard for less time).
I don’t want to add things. I want to exchange the really good behaviors and activities you’ve built up over the years with great ones. You’ve gotten here. You must be doing a lot of things right. But what if there’s more? Would it be worth finding out?
I don’t like to change big things. That takes time and energy – two things that are in short supply. I like to change small things that make big differences. Move one thing out and bring another in its place that works just a little better. Over time, these stack into huge gains.
In the April issue of the PAES newsletter, I’ve got one of these for you. A technique for approaching the overwhelming. A technique to get you through the hardest days of PA school.
Let’s add it to your toolbox.
Physician Assistant Exam Scholars
Brian Wallace
P.S. The April issue will come with an audio version delivered through the PAER app. The great part is that it’ll be right on your phone on April 1st while the print newsletter takes about a week to print and get to your door.