One painfully common problem I hear about is people running out of time on the exam. I have a friend who spent her first break crying in her car because she didn’t answer 10 questions in section 1 of her exam.
Nothing. Not even a guess. She ran out of time.
She is very smart.
She is a very capable PA.
How do you think it was for her, going back into that testing center?
One common way to blow your exam is to run out of time.
NEVER EVER leave an answer blank. Guess something. Anything!
Keep an eye on the clock. If you’re down to 10 minutes or so and you have more than 5 questions left, go through to the end guessing, and then come back to where you left off. That way you have something filled in for every choice.
It isn’t glamorous but getting 2 or 3 right out of 10 is way better than zero.
Running out of time happens way more often than you would think. If you’re struggling on your pretests with time don’t think it will be easier on exam day. It’ll be harder.
One way to pick up speed is by knowing your key terms.
You guessed it. A great way to know your key terms is by using The Final Step.
Brian Wallace