You have one of my favorite types of opportunities coming your way.
You get to help your classmates, look good doing it, and make out like a bandit.
Win. Win. Win
Here’s what you do…
Bring your class the idea of putting together a group order of The Final Step. An order of 10 or more allows me to get a huge drop on shipping costs, which I can pass straight to you and your cahooting cohort.
What’s even better than that?
Mmmm – warm apple pie?? Yes, yes of course, but this is pretty cool too.
If you’re the point person for the group, you get your copy 100% FREE.
There’s a little leg work in setting it up and handing out the books, not much, but a little. No hunting people down or dealing with collecting money. For doing a smidgen of work, your copies will be completely free.
This has worked out great for a bunch of schools (and really good for a bunch of point people)
Hit reply and I’ll walk you through the handful of details.
Brian Wallace