Since I published my virus update last Saturday, two things have happened.
#1 – No one has sent me a single coherent argument. Zero.
I did have a few people say that my facts looked solid but that I was creating more panic/causing more anxiety than was worth it.
That’s not unreasonable. It’s a fine (and moving) line. Are people panicking when they buy $800 worth of groceries, or are they preparing? I don’t think you can know that. Is it worth it? I don’t know.
At lunchtime a few days ago, I was explaining to my kids how jokes can be funny but not worth it:
I told them that I could stand up and push Colin off his chair and it would definitely be funny (maybe you’re a better person than me, but Derek and I thought it would be hysterical).
But afterwards, Colin would be furious with me and I’d probably feel bad about it, especially if he got hurt. That doesn’t make it not funny, but it does make it not worth it.
Maybe the anxiety and fear I created weren’t worth it. Hard to say.
#2 – People have been sending me links to share with all of you, and I love it. Keep doing it. Here are a few. I don’t endorse any of these (unless I specifically say so). I don’t know who made them. In some cases, I haven’t even visited them. You’ll have to think for yourself here.
Anxiety causing links:…
Anxiety relieving links:…
I will say I’ve had subscription to Headspace for the past two years and I love it. I don’t’ use it as much as I should, but I think they do a fantastic job.
The last link I’m going to share with you is the link to sign up for the April edition of the Physician Assistant Exam Scholars Newsletter. This edition is all about navigating this stressful and uncertain time. I can’t wait to get it into your hands.
Physician Assistant Exam Scholars