Earlier I shared an email from Marie. (If you didn’t see it, go on back and take a look at what she said. It’s in the last email. I’ll wait)
I was thinking about why that email made me so happy. Why, out of tons of emails thanking me, was that one my favorite? It wasn’t overly flattering; it wasn’t telling me how she passed her exam using my materials. So what was it?
The reason I LOVED the email was that Maria is exactly the kind of customer I’m looking for. Exactly the sort of person I want to be around. Someone who understands the difference between investing and spending. I’ve had a few people opt out of Physician Assistant Exam Scholars citing cost as the main problem.
The main problem is that they think they are spending the subscription fee. They don’t understand that they are investing it. With each issue, you’re growing. You’re seeing new things in a new way. You’re starting to think critically (Something you should have been taught in that fancy college of yours for all it cost you).
PAES amounts to a whopping 80 cents a day. You can find 80 cents a day in the couch cushions. Heck, my son finds more than the cost of this subscription in parking lots and on the playground in a month. (He does. I swear. It’s uncanny.)
I’m all for cutting EXPENSES. Especially when you’re broke. But I’m never for cutting investing. Investing is how you make more over the long term. Cut out your coffee yes, cut out your cell phone yes, cut out Netflix and Amazon, without hesitation, but an investment, never.
My wife and I revamped our finical situation top to bottom. We made HUGE changes, but do you know what didn’t get cut? Investments. And that includes the investments I make in myself.
I subscribe to several newsletters that are multiples more than the cost of PAES. I have an Audible subscription. I stopped buying books from Amazon and started going to the library, but that Audible subscription was never on the chopping block. Those newsletters were NEVER on the list of possible cuts. I’ll get a flip phone first. I’ll grow my own vegetables first. I’ll turn the heat down to 55 first. Those INVESTMENTS stay because all the cuts in the world to spending won’t do for my bottom line what my investments will do to grow the top line.
The thing I love about teaching at Physician Assistant Exam Review is that I don’t have to pull teeth like I did when I taught high school biology and chemistry. But Physician Assistant Exam Scholars is even better. In here, people eager to learn. You see, PAES is only for that small percentage of people who genuinely want to be better, who want to step up their game. It definitely is not for everyone, and I definitely do not want everyone in here.
I’ve promised to respond to emails and questions from PAES members. I don’t want low-level non-thinkers in my email inbox. I want people who want to get BETTER. Who look for and understand a good investment and who want to get to the next level.
That’s what I love about Marie. She fits that bill perfectly. Nothing could make me happier than knowing she’s getting a lot of it and working with her.
If you think you’ve got it, come on in, there’s a few hours left — the door is open, but only for a few more hours.
Physician Assistant Exam Review
Brian Wallace