I got this email from a student in Mexico. It came in a few days ago and I wanted to share it with you for two reasons.
Number one and most importantly, I am now going to introduce myself at parties as Brian Wallace PA and international businessman.
Second and far less critical is that I want you to see that the ideas work, and they aren’t my ideas. People much smarter than I am came up with them. I just like to look for things that work and share them.
Go ahead and read it first.
Hi Brian,
I’m Lorenza, I just finished med school in Mexico and we have to take this huge text that is really hard and it is once a year to go into the residency (we apply 40,000 physicians and only 7,000 can do residency). I took it yesterday and I’m in! I wanted to thank you… even though the information wasn’t enough for a Med test… it really helped me to review in the traffic (i live in Mexico City) and the final step helped me on my test.
So cool. I’ve had PA’s contact me from New Zealand, Ireland, and England, but I think this is the first from Mexico before.
Here’s the point. The methods work. The ideas of how we review. How we study and how to pass exams. Yes, the material in The Final Step is NOT super in depth, and that is 100% the point.
I’m always considering the Pareto principle or the 80/20 rule. Real quick its theory that 80% of your results come from 20% of your work. So look for that 20% and focus on it.
That is exactly what The Final Step does.
Test it out for yourself and see the difference for yourself. There’s a full money back guarantee so it’ on me to get it right.
P.S. I do deep discounts for group orders which work great for students. Email me back for details.