Check out this email I got a few weeks ago.
Brian- I took my PANRE on 3/12. I want to thank you before I get my results no matter what- you helped me so much! I listened to your pod cast in the car to and from work since October. IT was the greatest thing- I am raving about you to all my co-workers. I found the buzz words and bam new the answers- I still struggled with ortho- but not as bad thanks to your podcast. I love you for doing this!
That’s the perfect attitude. She is working on a system, not on an outcome. “If I pass, then I’ll be happy. ”That’s the wrong move. She knew before she went in that she had done everything she could to be ready. She had a system. She followed it. When you work that way, two things happen. One is that the outcome doesn’t matter. What matters is the system, the process and following it. You can’t control the outcome.
The computers might crash, the person next to you might be crazy annoying. What you can do is put yourself in the best position to win and then constantly evaluate the system.
This email came in about a week later from the same person.
Brian I want to take the opportunity to thank you- I just found out that I passed my PANRE I scored 100 points higher than 6 years ago. I couldn’t have done it without you. I listened to your podcast in the car, shower, at home for 6 months!
The second thing that happens when you move to systems and away from outcomes is that you usually you get the outcome you want. Not always, sometimes the hail storms or the locusts wipe out your crops, but the odds are way more in your favor.
100 points!!!Nobody does that. Studies have shown the most people score almost the same on their PANRE as on their PANCE. I believe that it has everything to do with studying and the approach to test taking. NOT medical knowledge. That’s why I spend so much time on test taking skills and the approach.
She mentions knowing the buzz words and how helpful that was. Despite the constant outcries I get that buzz words don’t matter anymore, rubbish!
If you really want to nail the buzz words, grab a copy of The Final Step 2.0.That’s exactly what that book is for.
Click here:
Brian Wallace