I’m just about done with this months edition of the Physician Assistant Exam Scholars Newsletter, and I’m having a blast. People ask me all the time, “you talk about working smarter. You talk about being a better test taker, but how do I do it? I get the idea. I get that I want to be better at those things, but I’m not.”
I get it. I thought the same thing for years about personal finance. I’d read the books, and I learned a ton about investing, stocks, mortgages, 401ks, and whatever else, but I couldn’t manage my money on a day to day basis. I was always short and behind on my credit cards.
Instruction in the weeds is what I needed. I needed to SEE it, and nobody was teaching that.
Well, in this issue I’m teaching in the weeds. I’m taking apart some very difficult concepts in cardio and letting you look over my shoulder as I break them down into component parts and put them back together in a way that makes them a snap to remember, forever.
In this month’s issue, you’ll learn some solid cardiology, but that’s not the point. The point is to see HOW to learn in it, and how YOU can apply that to every other topic you’ve got to know.
You’ve asked for it. Here it is. Follow that link and sign on up.
Physician Assistant Exam Scholars
This one has been as fun as a barrel of monkeys to write, and I can’t wait for you to get it in your hot little hands.