Took my test yesterday, and I’m still standing.
It wasn’t as bad as I expected (or remembered).
There was A LOT to get wrong, but there was certainly a lot to get right. Even more than I thought.
People in the past have emailed me to say they saw questions right out of The Final Step on their exams and that did turn out to be true for me as well. The bigger point is that the idea or the system worked. Specific questions sure, but that was two or three. They were nice to see, but that wasn’t going to be the difference maker.
The difference maker was recognizing the key terms and how they try to hide them. Definitely made a huge difference.
I won’t know how I did for a few weeks, but I can tell you I spent 50% of my time going through the O’Connell review book. 25% of my time using The Final Step and the last 25% doing full length test questions from both the O’Connell book and the Rutgers review course.
I took Friday off so I studied 12-16 hours Friday ,Saturday and Sunday. Yes I usually recommend taking the day off before your exam to rest, but I did take nap on sunday and quit studying by dinner time. I only had 10 days so I needed sunday. Anyway one thing I like a lot was listening to The Final Step while I took “breaks” and went for walks or folded laundry.
I’m still pretty tired so that’s enough for today. Good night.