If you never use information, it fades. If you were to graph knowledge on something you studied and how it fades over time, it would look like a graph of the Dodo population from 1500 to 1681.
Going, going, gone.
But you can reset that curve. You can cause spikes and slower declines. All you have to do is touch the information.
Here’s what you do to keep that information fresh and top of mind:
Take out The Final Step once a week or so and use it to just touch on things you studied weeks or months ago. It’s simple and it’ll only take you a few minutes.
You’ll smash that forgetting curve all together.
Brian Wallace
P.S. Want a free copy of the Final Step? Run a group sale for your school and you’ll get your copy for FREE. Your friends and classmates get a huge discount (thanks to the savings on shipping) and you get your book for zero dollars. It’s a total win. Hit reply and I’ll send you the details.