Effortless efficiency: that, my friends, is my gift to you. I want to take you from struggling test-taker to effortless efficiency during your exams. ALL of your exams.
The lifter who learns that squats are in your heels and not on your toes.
The runner who learns to breath in through his nose and blow out slowly through his mouth.
The fielder who learns to field the ball in out in front instead of between his feet.
The soccer player who learns to put his plant foot next to the ball before striking it.
There are hundreds of examples we could use. There’s one little technique that a coach or a trainer can show you in a few minutes that changes everything. Not overnight; you have to practice and make it yours. You do get better right away, but with practice, WOW!
That’s what the June issue of Physician Assistant Exam Scholars is. It’s me coaching you on answering test questions. It’ll boost your game before you’re even finished reading it.
Can it be that simple?
Look at the above examples. The answer is, of course!
Let’s fix your tests. Join here:
Physician Assistant Exam Scholars
Brian Wallace