I’ve read “Psycho-Cybernetics” by Maxwell Malt four times now. He was a plastic surgeon in the early part of the 20th century. The book is a look into Dr. Malt’s theory that the self-image is the most important part of the personality and that the self-image can be changed.
Sounds like a little bit like mumbo-jumbo at first, I know, but Dr. Malt noticed certain changes in his patients that lead him down this path. He would change a woman’s nose, and her personality would change. He would remove a seemingly small scar, and the person who wouldn’t leave the house would go on to a public speaking career.
And other patients would respond totally differently. He’d do a facelift, and they’d look at themselves and say, “Did you do anything?” He was flabbergasted – until he reached his conclusion that it was the self-image, not the physical image, that was affecting both sets of patients.
Wow. Certainly, something to investigate and certainly something that can be worked on. Are you “bad” at math? Are you a “bad” test taker? Do you have a “bad” memory?
Of course, you can find evidence to support those opinions if you look…
• My dad always said I was bad at math. (Your dad was projecting himself. One bad test score, and now you think you can’t, and then you stop trying)
• I get nervous, and there are a few tests I didn’t do well on (You get nervous because you tell yourself you’re bad at this. You’ve been in school for 100 years. Of course, there are tests you haven’t done well on)
• I’m sure there are 100s of examples of your “bad” memory. I’m also sure there are 1,000s of examples of your good memory that you’re ignoring.
How about you start looking for evidence that you are good at things rather than for evidence that you are bad at them?
Maybe, just maybe, if you used a better system for remembering you’d remember more. Maybe it isn’t your lousy brain, maybe it’s your lousy system.
Rather than giving up on your brain (you two have a long time left to spend tougher), why not test out a new method of remembering?
Try using The Final Step and you might find that your lousy, no-good, rotten brain can hold onto a lot more information than you give it credit for.
Get your copy here:
Brian Wallace
P.S. Starting on Thursday I’m going to make the Dream Job Package available. Good news if you’re interested in finding a job as a new grad with COVID making things a little difficult.
That means you’ll be receiving an uptick in the number of emails from me over the next few days. If you’d prefer not to see them, you can ignore them as they come in or you can unsubscribe all together. As always, it’s up to you.