If you’re wrapping up rotations or you’re getting ready for your PANRE, don’t dismiss this particular issue. I’m teaching how to crush your rotations in the July issue BUT don’t let that keep you from getting what very well might be the most important issue of PAES ever published.
Will you learn about rotations? Absolutely. Will you be the best student your preceptors have ever seen? Without question. But what I’ve got for you in this issue goes so far beyond rotations, you won’t believe it.
What’s coming in this issue will have you acing your rotations, your patients LOVING you, job offers rolling in, and so much more. I really can’t exaggerate this one.
This email came in this morning:
Hi Brian,
Thank you for all the work you have put into PAER. I have benefited greatly from your podcast, The Final Step, and these newsletters. I passed the PANCE earlier in June! I’m ecstatic and know your material was an integral adjunct to my studying.
With that, I request to have my subscription to your newsletter cancelled. I will take what I’ve learned from your material into my career.
Thanks again,
As is my policy I immediately unsubscribed this lovely individual with a heartfelt congratulations. But that isn’t what I wanted to do.
I wanted to reach out and shake them and say DON’T UNSUBSCRIBE NOW! GET THE JULY ISSUE FIRST!!!!
Why? Because it’s that important. Because it would change the course of this lovely person’s career for the better.
You get the point. The deadline is fast approaching. Join here:
Physician Assistant Exam Scholars
Brian Wallace