One key to getting work done is called blocking. I was first introduced to it by Cal Newport. He’s a profile author who mostly writes about doing better work.
He recommends blocking out 2-4 hours for work. These are focused blocks of time. It takes your brain a while to settle into the idea of doing focused work. It takes time. We do so much in little snippets, but your best work, the work that requires complete focus, can’t be done in snippets.
Blocks of time without interruption are a powerful way to get it done. Put it on your calendar, tell everyone you know not to bug you, put your phone on “do not disturb,” and get it done. You’ll be stunned when you look up at how much you’ve gotten done.
Check out Maximize Your Time and Efficiency for more on getting it done. If you’re struggling, overwhelmed, and maybe a little lost, this course will help.
Brian Wallace