This is it. The very last day of 2020. You have a distinct opportunity in front of you. You can be the 96% of people who complain about their situation, or you can come join the 4% who take responsibility and move forward.
It isn’t always better. At times, wallowing and complaining are really nice places to be.
Sometimes, you do all the right things and the bad things still happen. When I coach baseball or life, I teach percentages. When you do the right thing, it will work out MOST of the time, but certainly not all of the time.
In 2021, I want you to stop complaining that you don’t have any money. That you can’t do this or that because finances are holding you back. The January 2021 issue of Physician Assistant Exam Scholars Newsletter will get you off on the right foot.
By December 2021, your classmates are going to be referring to you as Money Bags. You can do it. I’m going to show you how. We’ll start small. Say $50 per month and then, like I said, by the end of the year, if you want and you put in the work you can make that to a thousand and beyond. I can’t wait to hear about it.
Join here. You can’t get it after the sun rises on the new year. Best to go ahead and do it now before you forget.
Physician Assistant Exam Scholars
Brian Wallace