There’s so much advice out there, but nothing down in the weeds.You can find thousands of pages on 401ks and investments and real-estate theories, but look for a piece on just managing your checking account and your daily spending and it’s crickets
There are apps and theories and ideas on time management, but the “how” part is always missing.But if you believe what Alex has to say, I may have the magic key for you.
Hi Brian,
First, let me just say thank you…for everything!
You asked to pick just one thing so I will, but know how difficult that is for me, as there is just so much I have gained from MYTE [Maximize Your Time and Efficiency] that I could go on all day (but I won’t….not right now at least!).
So, the best thing I learned overall is the value of TIME—or should I say, learning how to be ACTIVE in my time.
Simply put, the concept you shared that, “work expands to fill the available time for completion”, says it all for me. Taking MYTE has taught me how to not just set boundaries for myself, but HOW to utilize those boundaries so that time is not endless, because it certainly isn’t in PA school!!
Before this course, nothing I did got me to take and utilize my time seriously. For some reason, no matter how many study timers I set, schedules I made, or how at risk I knew my grades were, I couldn’t get myself to adhere to it. If the timer went off before I felt like I was “done”, I would simply just keep going… and going… and going. I knew this was the problem, yet could not fix it. I couldn’t understand why or what was wrong with me.
Of course I just said, and truly thought, I just did not have enough time. But your course said it all— it’s not that I don’t have enough time to complete things, but that I’m not making it enough time. Sounds so simple, but as you know, it really is not. So, THANK YOU for making me finally see this AND finally know how to approach this.
I am currently wrapping up my 2nd semester of didactic year and have to do pretty much perfectly on my finals next week, given my performance first semester. Otherwise, I will be dismissed from my program for not having a high enough GPA (it has been quite a stressful few months!!!). I knew I could do it though, but now with your course, I really know I can do it! I am so thankful I stumbled upon MYTE just in time to tackle my last few exams of the semester and am so much more confident about how I will do!
After finals I would love to share with you a little more about my journey and more ways your course has helped me. Until then though, if you have any other pieces of advice to give before my finals begin, please let me know !!!! I could take all I could get!!
Thanks so much for all your help, you are great!
Take peek here to find out more:
Maximize Your Time and Efficiency
Brian Wallace
P.S.I came across another “self mind” trick this weekend in a book I was reading; it went something like this:
“It isn’t the last grain of sand in the hourglass.It’s every grain of sand in the hourglass.”