I subscribe to the philosophy that you are 100% responsible for your situation.You are the only one who can change it. Thinking any other way (even if it’s true) isn’t helpful.
That being said, most games (including surgery and medicine) are team sports.If your team gets along and works well together, everything is easier, and outcomes are better.
With that in mind, you are 100% responsible for your team as well.For you, one of your teams is your cohort. The students you spend your life with.For you to do well, your cohort has to do well.
What can you do?
- You can teach and tutor
- You can create study guides
- You can schedule group discussions on difficult to grasp topics
- You can get your class a group discount on The Final Step.( email me to ask how. It super easy and you get your book for free )
Why do you care how the rest of the rabble does?If your class is doing poorly, professors and preceptors will adjust what they are doing.YOU will get a different education if you are part of a “good” group as a poised to if you are part of a “bad” group.Will it look the same? Yes.Will it be the same? No.
I’m going to use the annoying patient first the pleasant patient analogy here. Do they both look like they get the same care? Absolutely, but the pleaser patent might get checked on once or twice more.They may get listened to just a little more closely.It may not seem like much, but it can be very different (And still look the same).
Brian Wallace
P.S. Hit reply if you’re interested in putting together a group order.It’s easy. I’ll send you the details.