Yesterday I was listening to a podcast, and they’re interviewing this guy Dominick Quartuccio. He had a few stunning lines in the interview, but here’s one that knocked my socks off.
“Between the stimulus and your reaction, there is space. That’s where you get to choose.”
It’s estimated that upwards of 90% of our lives are run on habit. Stimulus – reaction. Especially as we get older. We’re tired. It’s easier not to think, but to have the same reaction (or opinion) you did yesterday Then we reinforce those habits over and over.
Last night I talked about breathing. How you can stop and take a deep breath from time to time and how good it feels. To clear your mind and just one deep breath. This takes that concept one step further.
I get home from work I go to the fridge to grab a cheese stick (delicious). But why? I’m not even hungry Stimulus – Reaction.
There is a moment in there where you can change. One moment between the stimulus and the reaction where you as a human have the unbelievable ability to chose. You won’t always make the best choice. You won’t always remember to decide. Some things should be habits. I’m grateful for the power of habits. It takes a massive load off f your brain, and you can train in new good habits.
But breath from time to time and choose if the habit should continue to run
- Creating flashcards after each lecture – good habit (maybe unsustainable, but good)
- Getting a beer at the end of each day because you’re tired – once in a while, great. Every day maybe consider the space between, I’m tired and walking to the fridge.
You have the same old habits when it comes to studying as well. Things you’ve done since 6th grade. Things that worked GREAT in sixth grade. But maybe. Just maybe those same tactics no worky so good in 16th grade. Perhaps you need to create some space and rethink your study and test-taking habits.
I’d like to help you fill that space with NEW ideas.
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