Sometimes you just don’t feel like it.You’re tired.It’s been a long day at school/work. You want to put your feet up and rest for a little bit.
Unfortunately, that isn’t going to get it done.If you’re not feeling it, you’ve got to CREATE the mood.How do you do that?
You light some candles, you set out your equipment, and, of course, you turn on the perfect music to get you going.
I like to begin by spreading out all my materials.Anything I think I might be useful for the session.Then I light a candle or two.It’s a signal to my brain that says, “let’s get going.”Last,I plug in my headphones and turn on focus@will.I’ve also been loving ASMR rooms on YouTube.I like the snow cabins, but sometimes that turns into watching a 20 minute video on cable management of under your desk (true story) so be careful.
Sixty minutes fly by, and I’ve gotten more work done then I can imagine.Studying went from a chore to a refreshing accomplishment just by framing it correctly.
Creating these cues for your brain is tremendous.It can take you from feeling miserable on the couch eating Cheetos and feeling sad to getting tons of work done and feeling great.Start watching for what works for you and creating your won cues.
Once you’ve got the mood cooking you will probably want to crack open The Final Step.It just might be the most valuable time you can spend.
Just listen to this
I wanted to thank you for your wonderful resources. I have used your podcasts during PA school, your multiple courses (and The Final Step) preparing for the PANCE, and your Dream Job Package while I was looking for a job. I am happy to say I have passed all these steps and have accepted an offer for my first job as a PA! All of your resources and videos were very helpful not only to me, but for many of my friends in PA school as well. Thank you for all that you do for the PA community!
Pick up your copy of The Final Step by click that link right there.
Brian Wallace