My little guy started 1st grade this year. Full day for the first time. It’s a long day. It’s a lot. One place they all struggle is managing all the habits. (Does that sound familiar?)
Eating and drinking are two really tough ones to figure out. Day after day the lunches come home uneaten. The water bottles come home without being touched.
He’d rather talk at lunch then eat. He won’t drink a thing until he’s DYING of thirst with mental status changes.
My wife was talking to him about it.
“You have to drink. You can’t go the entire day without drinking.”
His response.
“Mom put a note on top of my snack that reminds me to drink.”
The kid is a genius.
Use the habit you have to build a new one.
I’m not good at flossing. I’m making a new effort to get it done. Do you know what I did? The floss goes right next to my toothbrush. Not in the cabinet, but out on the counter right there where I can’t miss it. Simple.
I haven’t missed a day since I started leaving it there.
Leave your copy of The Final Step out on the counter while you’re building up. If you see it sitting out, you’ll use it. 10 minutes a day. Make it a habit.