I was struggling to get as much done as I wanted. In PA school, I could go to the library for an entire Saturday. It would suck, but I could do it.
When I was studying for my PANRE, that just wasn’t an option. We would have soccer games and birthday parties and whatever else on weekends. I could hit the Corner Bakery Cafe when they opened at 6 AM, but the latest I could stay was 10 AM before I had to be back for one reason or another.
I was frustrated. Time is a major factor, and no one has “enough” of it to get everything done.
But Cal Newport came up with something miraculous, something that changed how I work and skyrocketed how much I get done. He took away the time constraint. For real. Time is part of the equation, but not the only part.
Most of us operate under the pretense of this equation
Time Spent = Work Accomplished
And using this equation, you will always need more time.
Newport, a Georgetown Professor of computer science, knew that in the world of college faculty he had to publish papers to move up the ranks. Publishing was the key factor. So, he got to work, but like everyone else, he didn’t have the time to fit it in. He had to teach classes; he had a family etc.
Then he did some serious thinking on time and getting work done, and he came up with brain-bending new formula that demotes time from the top spot to near the bottom.
This new way of thinking about getting work done has allowed him to publish far more than his contemporaries and easily move his career along.
It’s allowed me to keep running this website despite coaching 3 baseball teams, 2 soccer teams, and having a full-time job.
Just seeing the formula isn’t enough. It takes a little explaining. I go through it all in Maximize Your Time and Efficiency which you can find in the PA Week Package at a ridiculous price.
When you grab the PA Week Package you’ll learn:
•How WHEN you study impacts your work and what you can do about it.
•A secret baseball players have used for over a hundred years to help them perform in high-pressure situations…
•The first 5 things to include in your study plan.
•A technique that will add 30 seconds to your study sessions, but change everything on test day…
•And this is just the beginning
And what’s better than that?
In addition to MYTE, I’m also including Get It all Done Without Losing Your Mind. This is essentially part two of MYTE but with the added twist of working more from home than ever before.
This video series is going to take you through dealing with this new dynamic. I’m going to help you crush it without wanting to kill your family members. By the time we’re done, you’re going to be wondering why you were so stressed out. It’s gonna be great.
But get a move on. We’ve got some work to do.
Check it out here:
Brian Wallace