Students write to me every day asking for advice. Begging for anything I can give them to help them pass their exams. They want me to wave a magic wand and make it all better. Well, I thought what if I could wave a magic wand? What would it look like?
It would look a heck of lot like the September issue of the Physician Assistant Exam Scholars Newsletter.
This month we’re focused directly on CRUSHING exams, and what you can do with the content you already have in your brain. You see, I believe we spend too many hours studying only to use 30% of what we covered. Why only 30%? Because anxiety grips out brains and floods them with a dark thick cloud of oily smog. It chokes off your brain until you can’t possibly find anything inside your head.
I’m going to show you how to keep that cloud from ever forming. I’m going to show you six techniques for keeping your mind clear.
If there’s a test in your future, you don’t want to miss this one.
I close out the list tonight, wrap it all up, and send it to the printer (so I am done done done for the holiday weekend).
Rea sent me this to make sure she gets her copy.
Hi Brian,
I’ve been a long time follower and even recommended your website/Final Step to a couple of classmates. We’ve graduated our program and the last day of school is Friday. I’m moving back home to Texas and would like to know how to update my mailing address, so I don’t miss an issue of PA Exam Scholars.
Victoria sent this in a while back:
I just got the June issue in the mail!
I LOVE this issue! It’s the first one I’ve received since subscribing and I’m SO glad I did. Thank you for investing in the success of so many people you don’t know.
If you ever have decide to make previous copies available to people who didn’t subscribe until after you released a couple newsletters PLEASE let me know. 🙂
Unfortunately, at the moment I don’t have a process for releasing the older issues. Maybe someday, but for right now you can only get them as they come out.I asked her if she wouldn’t mind writing up a brief testimonial and this is what she sent back.
As a new PA student, PAES has aided me and opened my eyes to a different way of studying and learning. I’ve been able to apply many of the techniques that have helped me grow as a student. Every issue that is out is different and unique, and I always look forward to the new information I will receive to help me grow.
Thanks for everything Brian!
Well, that’s it for this month.
Physician Assistant Exam Scholars
Brian Wallace
P.S. Don’t forget that when you join Physician Assistant Exam Scholars not only do you receive this month’s AMAZING, SPECTACULAR issue where you’ll get techniques you haven’t heard anywhere before to help you battle the anxiety monster, but you’ll also get access to the complete back catalog of the PAER podcast delivered straight to your phone for easy-breezy listening.