The most infuriating thing about taking medicine tests or the PANCE is when you get down to two really good answer choices.
I remember one from when I was in school. That’s literally 15 years ago now, and I’m still mad about it. LOL.
The question was about a patient who came in with carpal tunnel syndrome. And it was something like, which would you do first?
– injection
– night splint
– surgery
Now, the patient would likely get an injection, NSAIDs, and a night splint all at the first visit, so this one killed me.
They wanted night splint, I guess because it’s least invasive.
Anyway, the point is you will run into tons of questions where you just can’t get to down to one answer.
In the October of The Physician Assistant Exam Scholars Newsletter, I’ve got a road map for you.A system you can use to give you the best odds of choosing the correct answer.
Come along and I’ll show you.
Physician Assistant Exam Scholars
Brian Wallace
P.S. The PAES newsletter is a monthly PRINT newsletter that is mailed directly to your door covering topics in a much deeper and more thorough way than I possibly could in an email. If you get something out of the email content, you will LOVE the Physician Assistant Exam Scholars Newsletter.