Seriously? How is it going?
Some of mine were great, amazing learning experiences and others were ho-hum.
I was there for the experience. I didn’t see how they could grade us and I wasn’t in line to be valedictorian, so I wasn’t too concerned about it.
Until one day when my advisor called me into her office.
“Brian, did something happen on your ER rotation?”
“Um,” now terrified, “I don’t think so.”
“You got your lowest marks by far from this site. Was there an issue?”
After doing some thinking and a little investigating, it turned out that I had pretty much straight A’s at all of my other sites and at this one I got a C with very flat comments. I also realized that I did not have one shift with the preceptor in charge of the students. You know, the person who does all of the reviews and grading. I never met her. Not even once.
Oh, the docs we did work with were asked to fill out little eval index cards every day, but I’m confident none of them did.
So, that was that.
Back to the present. A friend of mine is doing a little bit of research on her own and looking into PA students experience on rotations. She’s wondering if there might be a better way to handle grading and the overall experience.
We’d appreciate it if you’d take a second to answer a quick survey and share your experience.
Here’s the link:
Brian Wallace