Does just thinking about a big exam make your heart race and your palms sweat?

We're going to put an end to those shaky hands. We're going to keep your heart inside your chest and we're going to watch your test scores skyrocket.

Every week I get emails from people who've failed the PANCE. I get emails from peole who fail EORs and even risk losing their spot in PA school. Ninety plus percent of these do NOT have an issue with content. What do the have a problem with?

Test anxiety and undestanding how to take tests.

Of course their are multiple factors, but test taking and test anxiety are a HUGE problem, but here's the good news. We can fix it.

These aren't magical skills some people are born with and others aren't. I promise these are not super powers handed out at birth. They are skills you can learn and practice.

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The main problem is that no one ever told you that you could learn these skills. You were NEVER taught about taking tests in school, and believe me this is a skill just like suturing. If you no one teaches you and you don't know how to practice you're going to struggle. If someone shows you and practice just a little you look like a rock star.

Schools DON'T do this for you. You've spent years and years being told what to learn and then given tests, but you are never taught HOW TO TAKE THOSE TESTS. You were never taught to methods for acing multple choice tests. You were never taught how to keep yourself calm when things weren't going you're way.

Through years of studying the best and hours upon hours of trial and errror, I've developed a system for avoiding test anxiety all together. I've also developed some key practices for test taking. So I figured why not roll these together and start watching the PAER community score higher and higher. Doesn't that sound like fun?

The best part about learning these skills and following my system is that your scores go up without ANY MORE studying. I'm not adding any time to your schedule.

The second best part is that if you learn and use what I'm going to show you, you can use it on EVERY TEST FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. This stuff works on your weekly quizzes, your comprehensive exams, your EORS, your PANCE, your PANRE, your ACLS and BLS exams. EVERYWHERE. FOREVER. It's like riding a bike. Its a skill that will be with you always.

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No More Test Anxiety

When you order the No More Test Anxiety Package, you're going to get two things delivered instantaneously delivered to you by the magic of the PAER app. First is a short book I wrote that covers 5 simple strategies for DESTROYING anxiety and getting yourself ready to ROCK your exam. Then I we get to go a little deeper into my philosophy on dealing with anxiety. I delivered a presentation to a group of 3rd year PA students getting ready for their PANCE on beating test anxiety. You're going to love it. It's about an hour of solid strategies to get your brain working for you instead of against you.

Here's a tidbit of what you'll learn inside of of No More Test Anxiety Package

A very specific, down in the weeds, easy technique you can use on test day, that was taught and practiced by the world-renowned Buddhist monk and peace activist Thich Nhat Hahn. This one is so easy you won't believe it works until you start seeing the results. Practice it, and your professors will be flabbergasted at the results you start getting.

A mental trick major league hitters have used for years to keep them calm and focused at the plate in front of thousands of screaming fans. How do you think they do it? Do you think it's only about the mechanics of hitting? Not a chance. It takes a lot more than physical skill to be a pro.

My secret weapon for building ridiculous amounts of confidence right before an exam. Nothing wins (or passes) like confidence. This one will take about five minutes, and will have you raring to go instead of cowering in the corner.

The method I use to gaurentee that I get full nights sleep the night before an exam. There's no quicker path to failure than spending the night tossing and turning, watching the minutes tick away on the clock while you try to FORCE yourself to sleep. Out of my entire bag of tricks this one is THE MOST POWERFUL and NMTA is the only place I've ever shared this it.

I've got even better news

For the very first time I'm also going to include two more resources in the NMTA package. You see I'm working on a new book tentativily titled "Starting Strong, a first year's guide to PA school," and I've been going through old issues of Physician Assistant Exam Scholars. As I was reading through them I gotta tell you I found some fantastic stuff that's been locked away for too long. Two issues in particular stood out to me as I was getting ready to launch this package again, and I've decided to inlcude them here for you.

Issue # 020 November 2019 - The Science of Slaying Anxiety: How to Avoid The Downward Spiral of Doom

* A paper published in the Journal of Neuroscience that may once and for all prove why, after hours and hours of studying you don’t get the grades you were hoping for. You see what they did was make rats anxious and then measure activity in different areas of the brain. No huge surprise the prefrontal cortex all but shut down in these rats. I'll explain what that means for test taking and what we can do it about it.

* A major cause of poor decision making (either on exams or in life) and how to avoid it. (Hint: It isn’t alcohol)

* A method that champions at the highest level to all but ensure victory. This one is so ingrained and so sneaky they don’t even know they’re doing it, but it makes all the difference. (I’m pretty sure NOT doing this is the #1 reason people fail the exam. I don't’ have any proof, but 10 years of anecdotal evidence makes me pretty confident.)

* A three minutes exercise to cram into your already over crowded day, that might change everything.

* Anonio Damaiso, a well known neuroscientist at the University of California, has a unique take on decision making. His ideas may just change how you approach your exams.

* Confidence in the face of stress can not be given. It has to earned. Inside this issue I'm going to give you access to some tools that will help you earn it, and once you do, they'll be no stopping you.

* And one technique on page 19 that has the potential to banish the negative thoughts and the racing heart forever. It's one I use routinely. It's one you likle haven't heard. I try to put one thing in each and every issue that makes the cost of the whole issue worth it from just this one idea. This one is it.

But the best part of this issue is the core philosophy that makes up its theme. This philosophy will change your scores, but like everything in PAES, it will change much, much more than that. It will boost your opportunities and your experiences for decades to come (zero exaggeration), but this one is NOT for anyone seeking tips, tricks, or hacks. This one must be incorporated into your bones, and that takes a little time. This is not one secret ninja trick that will solve all of your problems.

Issue # 042 September 2021 - Six Techniques to Keep Your Brain From Ruining All of Your Hard Work

- Six simple techniques for annihilating test anxiety (Pages 6 - 15)

- How Francis the Monkey proved one of my favorite theories on test taking (Page 7)

- A strategy I learned from the most decorated Olympian of all time, for controlling your mind before a HUGE event. I mean the guys got 23 gold medals hanging around his neck. It probably makes sense to take a look at what he’s doing. (Page 15)

- The exact script to use when your brain just won’t let you sleep. These twenty one words will take you from tossing and turning to snoring and snoozing. (Page 12)

- Ten things (you don’t have to use all of them) you can do to improve your odds of getting a good nights sleep the night before a big exam. Including my absolute favorite one, that helps you prove to your doubting brain that you’ve done enough work and now it’s time for sleepy time. (Pages 13 - 14)

- My very not secret or sexy four step bedtime routine that helps me get to sleep fast. (Page 15)

- A four step process for calming the mind, taught by world renowned buddhist monk and peace activist, Thich Nhat Hahn. (Page 8)

- One way, that takes no time at all, to trick your brain into thinking that you are ready for any test. As that feeling washes over you, it becomes much easier to sit in that chair and focus. (Page 6)

- How a dead smelly foot and a truck load of garbage bags helped me build my surgical skills up to a point that surgeons actually wanted me in the room. (Page 1)

Along with many ways to out perform your cohort on exams, rotations, job interviews, presentations, your first day of work and even meeting your in-laws for the first time. One of my favorite things about this issue is that the techniques and methods we discuss inside have so many applications. Yes, they will help with your exams for sure, but they will help with any situation where you need a little EXTRA.

And that's the real beauty of the entire pacakge. I'm going to show you an entire philosophy for how to address test anxiety that will change the battle for you FOREVER. Is it helpful for the PANCE? Of course. But even better, it's a system that will help you on EVERY single test you ever take. It's a system that will help you in every new rotation and, job interview you go on.

The methods I'm going to share with you can easily be applied to ANY situation that causes anxiety. Testing is one of them for sure, but you've got plenty of anxiety causing events coming your way.

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Delivered Like No Other Course

You will have instant access to all of your content through the Learnistic based PAER app. I've put a ton of time and money into the app, and I've got to say it is FANTASTIC.

Not only is everything delivered quickly and easily, but there's no transfering files or logging in. No losing files if your laptop dies. It's right on your phone or tablet (desktop version is coming very soon). You an watch the videos or just listen to the audio in your car. It is really slick. The developers have done an amazing job.

I do ask for your phone number because that is your account number inside of the app (that way you never forget it). You're going to love it.

The longer you practice with this stuff, the better you'll get. Start using it TODAY on your quizzes and exams, and you'll see those scores going up up up. Even better by the time the Big Day rolls around, you'll be wondering why everyone else is freaking out as you glide into your seat.

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